Gospel Meetings

Gospel Meetings

Displaying 26 - 50 of 150

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Date Title Speaker Series Service Files Play
09/17/22 When Family Strays Steven Tramell N/A Gospel Meeting Lesson_3_-_When_Family_Strays.pptx 9.17.22_Sat11am_WhenFamilyStrays.mp3
09/17/22 Seeing Christ in our Family Steven Tramell N/A Gospel Meeting Lesson_2_-_Family.pptx 9.17.22_Sat10am_SeeingChristInOurFamily.mp3
09/16/22 Serving Money Steven Tramell N/A Gospel Meeting Lessons_1_-_Money.pptx 9.16.22_Fri7pm_ServingMoney.mp3
04/24/22 Living in Peace David Fiddament N/A Gospel Meeting 6_Living_in_Peace.pptx 6_Living_in_Peace.MP3
04/24/22 Whatever Things are Just David Fiddament N/A Gospel Meeting 5_Whatever_Things_are_Just.pptx 5_Whatever_Things_are_Just.MP3
04/24/22 Provoked to Plant David Fiddament N/A Gospel Meeting 4_Provoked_to_Plant.pptx
04/23/22 Speaking into the Air David Fiddament Building a Biblical Worldview Gospel Meeting 3_Speaking_into_the_Air.pptx 3-SpeakAir.mp3
04/23/22 What is Real? David Fiddament Building a Biblical Worldview Gospel Meeting What_is_Real_Slide_by_Slide.pptx 2-WhatReal.mp3
04/22/22 The Pursuit of Power David Fiddament Building a Biblical Worldview Gospel Meeting 1_The_Pursuit_of_Power.pptx 1-PursuitPower.mp3
01/23/22 Ecclesiastes - Lesson 6 Wes Brown N/A Gospel Meeting 1.23.22-WesBrown-6.mp3
01/23/22 Ecclesiastes - Lesson 5 Wes Wright N/A Gospel Meeting 1.23.22-WesBrown-5.mp3
01/23/22 Ecclesiastes - Lesson 4 Wes Brown N/A Gospel Meeting 1.23.22-WesBrown-4.mp3
01/23/22 Ecclesiastes - Lesson 1 Wes Brown N/A Gospel Meeting 1.21.22-WesBrown.pdf
01/22/22 Ecclesiastes - Lesson 3 Wes Brown N/A Gospel Meeting 1.22.22-WesBrown-3.mp3
01/22/22 Ecclesiastes - Lesson 2 and Slides Wes Brown N/A Gospel Meeting 1.21.22-WesBrown-1642955347.pdf 1.22.22-WesBrown-2.mp3
09/26/21 Thinking Upside Down: James 5 Jarred McCrary N/A Gospel Meeting 9.26.21_J_McCrary_1030am_James_5.mp3
09/26/21 Thinking Upside Down: James 4 Jarred McCrary N/A Gospel Meeting J_McCrary_James_4.mp3
09/25/21 Thinking Upside Down: James 2 Jarred McCrary N/A Gospel Meeting 9.25.21-James2.mp3 9.25.21-James2.pptx
09/24/21 Thinking Upside Down: James 1 Jarred McCrary N/A Gospel Meeting 9.24.21-James1.pptx 9.24.21-James1.mp3
06/06/21 The Power of a Quiet Moment Seth Mauldin N/A Gospel Meeting 6.6.21-QuietMoment.mp3
06/05/21 Make the Most of the Opportunity Seth Mauldin N/A Gospel Meeting 6.5.21_-MakingMost.mp3
06/04/21 Letting Love Continue Seth Mauldin N/A Gospel Meeting 6.4.21-LettingLove.mp3
01/17/21 Holy Matrimony Greg Picogna Marriage - Spring 2021 Gospel Meeting 01.17.21-HolyMatrimony.mp3
01/17/21 The Most Important Bible Passage for your Marriage Greg Picogna Marriage - Spring 2021 Gospel Meeting 01.17.21-MostImportant-5.mp3
01/16/21 Pornography Greg Picogna Marriage - Spring 2021 Gospel Meeting 01.16.21-Pornography-4.mp3

Displaying 26 - 50 of 150

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