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Displaying 926 - 950 of 1242

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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
02/07/16 Perspective Concerning Death Josh Carter Sermon N/A Sun 1030am 2.7.16-PerspectiveDeath.mp3
02/03/16 Revelation 8-9 Josh Carter Bible Class Revelation Wed Bible Study 2.3.16-Revelation.mp3
01/31/16 Revelation 7 Josh Carter Bible Class N/A Sun Bible Study 01.31.16-Revelation_7.mp3
01/31/16 The Love of God David Maxson Sermon N/A Sun 1030am 01.31.16_The_Love_of_God.mp3
01/27/16 Revelation 6 Josh Carter Bible Class N/A Wed Bible Study 1.27.16--Carter_Revelation_Class_Chapter_6.mp3
01/24/16 Early Child Training - Priorities and Dangers Scott Smelser Gospel Meeting N/A Gospel Meeting 1.24.16-Parenting6.mp3 parenting-part6.pptx
01/24/16 Early Child Training - Older Children Scott Smelser Gospel Meeting N/A Gospel Meeting 1.24.16-Parenting5.mp3 parenting-part5.pptx
01/24/16 Early Child Training - Birth Order and Temperament Scott Smelser Gospel Meeting N/A Gospel Meeting parenting-part4.pptx 1.24.16-Parenting4.mp3
01/23/16 The Lost Gospels Scott Smelser Gospel Meeting N/A Gospel Meeting Lost_Gospels_2016_smelser.pptx 1.23.16-LostGospels.mp3
01/23/16 Early Child Training - Self Control Scott Smelser Gospel Meeting N/A Gospel Meeting parenting-part3.pptx 1.23.16-Parenting3.mp3
01/23/16 Early Child Training - Discipline and Consistency Scott Smelser Gospel Meeting N/A Gospel Meeting parenting-part2.pptx 1.23.16-Parenting2.mp3
01/23/16 Early Child Training - Respect for "No" Scott Smelser Gospel Meeting N/A Gospel Meeting 1.23.16-Parenting1.mp3
01/22/16 Evidence and Creation - Part 2 Scott Smelser Gospel Meeting N/A Gospel Meeting 1.22.16-Evidences2.mp3
01/22/16 Evidence and Creation - Part 1 Scott Smelser Gospel Meeting N/A Gospel Meeting Creation_Rom_1_20_Tuscaloosa.pptx 1.22.16-Evidence1.mp3
01/20/16 Revelation 4-5 Josh Carter Bible Class Revelation Wed Bible Study 1.20.16-Revelation4.mp3
01/17/16 Revelation 3 Josh Carter Bible Class Revelation Sun Bible Study 01.17.16-CarterRevelation.mp3
01/17/16 Prayer for Every Season: Depression David Maxson Sermon N/A Sun 1030am 01.17.16-PrayerSeasonDepression.mp3 01.17.16-PrayerEverySeasonDepression.pptx
01/17/16 The Woman at the Well Josh Carter Sermon N/A Sun 9am 01.17.16-WomanWell.mp3
01/13/16 Revelation 2 Josh Carter Bible Class Revelation Wed Bible Study 1.13.16_Carter_Revelation_Class.mp3
01/10/16 Revelation 1 Josh Carter Bible Class Revelation Sun Bible Study 1.10.15_Carter_Revelation_Class.mp3
01/10/16 Minor Prophets: Hosea Josh Carter Sermon N/A Sun 1030am 01.10.16-Hosea.pptx 01.10.15-MinorProphets.mp3
01/10/16 Psalms 72 Michael LaGrone Sermon N/A Sun 9am 01.10.15-Psalms72.mp3
01/03/16 Our Eyes are Upon You David Maxson Sermon N/A Sun 1030am 01.03.16-OurEyesOnYou.mp3 01.03.16-OurEyesUponYou.pptx
12/27/15 His Heart My Heart Jason Cicero Sermon N/A Sun 9am 12.27.15_Cicero_His_Heart_My_Heart.mp3
12/27/15 Son of Man Jason Cicero Sermon N/A Sun 1030am 12.27.15-SonofMan.mp3

Displaying 926 - 950 of 1242

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