Online Resources

Online Resources

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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
03/05/17 What Every Joint Supplies Ben Hall Gospel Meeting Unity of the Spirit Gospel Meeting 3.5.17-EveryJoint.pptx 03.05.17_Ben_Hall_What_every_joint_supplies.mp3
03/04/17 Attaining to the Unity of Faith Ben Hall Gospel Meeting Unity of the Spirit Gospel Meeting 3.4.17-AttainingUnity.mp3 Tuscaloosa_Young_Adult_Weekend_March_2017_5_-_Attaining_to_the_Unity_of_the_Faith.pptx
03/04/17 Truthing not Tossed Ben Hall Gospel Meeting Unity of the Spirit Gospel Meeting 3.4.17-TruthingNotTossed.mp3 Tuscaloosa_Young_Adult_Weekend_March_2017_4_-_Truthing_Not_Tossed.pptx
03/04/17 Panel: Sewell Hall, Barry Mason, Ben Hall, Josh Carter Sewell Hall Gospel Meeting Unity of the Spirit Gospel Meeting 3.4.17_Panel_Discussion.mp3
03/04/17 Endeavoring to Keep the Unity of the Spirit Sewell Hall Gospel Meeting Unity of the Spirit Gospel Meeting Tusc_Unity_of_Spirit.pptx 3.4.2017_S_Hall_Endeavoring_to_Keep_the_Unity_of_the_Spirit.mp3
03/03/17 God's Authority is Everlasting Sewell Hall Gospel Meeting Unity of the Spirit Gospel Meeting 3.3.17_Sewell_Hall_Gods_Authority_Everlasting.mp3 Tusc_Ascension__Coronation.pptx
02/26/17 One Voice David Maxson Sermon N/A Sun 1030am 2.26.17-OneVoice.mp3 2.26.17-OneVoice.pptx
02/26/17 Technology and the Christian: Relationships (Part 2) Josh Carter Sermon N/A Sun 9am 2.26.17-Relations.mp3
02/19/17 Technology and the Christian: Addiction Andrew Oakland Sermon N/A Sun 9am Addiction_Sermon_Powerpoint.pptx 02.19.2017_Addiction_A_Andrews.mp3
02/19/17 How to Find Renewal Josh Carter Sermon N/A Sun 1030am 02.19.2017_How_to_Find_Renewal_Carter.mp3
02/12/17 The Cost of Your Tower Andrew Smith Sermon N/A Sun 1030am 2.12.17-CountCost.mp3 2.12.17-CostTower.pptx
02/12/17 Technology and Christians: Doctrine David Maxson Sermon N/A Sun 9am 2.12.17-TechDoctrine.mp3
02/05/17 Unity David Maxson Sermon N/A Sun 1030am 02.05.17_Maxson_Unity.mp3 2.6.17-Unity.pptx
02/05/17 Technology and the Christian: Relationships (Part 1) Josh Carter Sermon N/A Sun 9am 02.05.17_Carter_Relationships_part_1.mp3
01/29/17 Technology and the Christian: Children David Maxson Sermon N/A Sun 9am 1.29.17-TechKids.pptx 1.29.17_Maxson_Technology.mp3
01/29/17 Two Cups, Jesus, and Us Josh Carter Sermon N/A Sun 1030am 1.29.17_J_Carter_2_Cups.mp3
01/22/17 Marriage-7: What Every Marriage Needs Mark Broyles Sermon Marriage Gospel Meeting 1.22.17-BroylesEveryNeeds.mp3 7-_What_Every_Marriage_Needs.pptx
01/22/17 Marriage-6: The Marriage Covenant Mark Broyles Sermon Marriage Gospel Meeting 1.22.17-BroylesCovenant.mp3 6-_The_Marriage_Covenant.pptx
01/22/17 Marriage-5: What Every Marriage Requires Mark Broyles Sermon Marriage Gospel Meeting 1.22.17-Broyles-WhatEveryRequires.mp3 5-_What_Every_Marriage_Requires.pptx
01/21/17 Marriage-4: Affair Proofing your Marriage Mark Broyles Sermon Marriage Gospel Meeting 1.21.17-Broyles-AffairProof.mp3 4-Affair_Proofing_Your_Marriage.pptx
01/21/17 Marriage-3: What does He Need Now? Mark Broyles Sermon Marriage Gospel Meeting 1.21.17-Broyles-WhatHeNeeds.mp3 3-_What_Does_He_Need_Now.pptx
01/20/17 Marriage-2: What does She Want From Me Anyyway? Mark Broyles Sermon Marriage Gospel Meeting 2-_What_Does_She_Want_From_Me_Anyway.pptx 01.20.2017_M_Broyles_What_Does_She_Want_From_Me_Anyway.mp3
01/20/17 Marriage-1: Finding God in your Marriage Mark Broyles Sermon Marriage Gospel Meeting 1-_Finding_God_In_Your_Marriage.pptx 01.20.2017_M_Broyles_Finding_God_in_Your_Marriage.mp3
01/15/17 Exodus Josh Carter Sermon N/A Sun 9am 01.15.17_Carter_Exodus.mp3
01/15/17 God's Call to Unity David Maxson Sermon N/A Sun 1030am 01.15.17-GodsCallUnity.pptx 1.15.17_Maxson_Gods_Call_to_Unity.mp3

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