Online Resources

Online Resources

Displaying 376 - 400 of 1225

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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
10/04/20 Who is God? David Maxson Sermon If I only had Five Scriptures Sun 1030am 10.04.20-WhoIsGod.mp3
09/27/20 Saints Lift Your Voices Alexander Newman Sermon N/A Sun 1030am 09.27.20-LitVoices.mp3 09.27.20-LiftVoices.pptx
09/20/20 Homosexuality David Maxson Sermon If I only had Five Scriptures Sun 1030am 09.20-20-Homosexuality.pptx 09.20.20-Homosexuality.mp3
09/16/20 A Transformative Hope: Heaven Josh Carter Gospel Meeting Be Transformed Gospel Meeting 09.16.20-Heaven.mp3 09.16.20-Heaven.pptx
09/15/20 A Transformative Mindset: Joy Josh Carter Gospel Meeting Be Transformed Gospel Meeting 09.15.20-Joy.mp3 09.15.20-Joy.pptx
09/14/20 A Transformative Event: The Resurrection Josh Carter Gospel Meeting Be Transformed Gospel Meeting 09.14.20-Ressurection.pptx 09.14.20-Ressurection.mp3
09/13/20 A Transformative Identity: A Holy Nation Josh Carter Gospel Meeting Be Transformed Sun 1030am 09.13.20-HolyNation.mp3 09.13.20-HolyNation.pptx
09/06/20 Lord Help Us Keep Eternity in Mind Alexander Newman Sermon N/A Sun 1030am 09.06.20-Eternity.mp3
08/30/20 Baptism David Maxson Sermon If I only had Five Scriptures Sun 1030am 08.30.20-Baptism.pptx 08.30.20-Baptism.mp3
08/23/20 Chariots of Fire David Maxson Sermon N/A Sun 9am 08.23.20-ChariotsOfFIre.mp3
08/16/20 Let the Redeemed of the Lord Say So! Alexander Newman Sermon N/A Sun 1030am 8.16.20-RedeemedSaySo.mp3
08/09/20 Naaman David Maxson Sermon N/A Sun 1030am 08.09.20-Naaman.mp3
08/02/20 Elisha David Maxson Sermon N/A Sun 1030am 08.02.20-Elisha.mp3 08.02.20-Elisha.pptx
07/26/20 I am the Resurrection and the Life Alexander Newman Sermon Jesus, Name Above All Names Sun 1030am 07.26.20-IamResurrection.mp3
07/19/20 The Shunammite's Son David Maxson Sermon N/A Sun 1030am 07.19.20-Elisha2.mp3 07.19.20-Elisha2.pptx
07/12/20 The Widow's Oil David Maxson Sermon N/A Sun 1030am 07.12.20-Elisha.mp3 07.12.20-Elisha.pptx
07/05/20 Guess Who's Coming to Dinner? Alexander Newman Sermon N/A Sun 1030am 7.5.20-Cornelius.mp3
06/28/20 The Good Samaritan David Maxson Sermon N/A Sun 1030am 6.28.20-GoodSamaritan.pptx 6.28.20-GoodSamaritan.mp3
06/21/20 Perfect Peace David Maxson Sermon N/A Sun 1030am 06.21.20-PerfectPeace.mp3 6.21.20-PerfectPeace.pptx
06/14/20 Jesus: The One who is Peace Alexander Newman Sermon N/A Sun 1030am 6.14.20-OneWhoPeace.mp3 6.14.20-OneWhoPeace.pptx
06/07/20 The Prayer of Exiles David Maxson Sermon N/A Sun 1030am 06.07.20_-PrayerExiles.pptx 06.07.20-PrayerExiles.mp3
05/31/20 Dwell on These Things Andrew Oakland Sermon N/A Sun 1030am 5.31.20-DwellTheseThings.pptx 5.31.20-DwellTheseThings.mp3
05/24/20 Jesus: Name above All Names Alexander Newman Sermon N/A Sun 1030am 5.24.20-NameAbove.pptx 5.24.20-NameAbove.mp3
05/17/20 Class: Leviticus Feasts Alexander Newman Sermon N/A Sun Bible Study 05.17.20_Class_Alexander_Leviticus_Feasts.mp3
05/17/20 This is the Day the Lord has Made David Maxson Sermon N/A Sun 1030am 5-17-20-ThisDay.mp3 5-17-20-ThisDay.pptx

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