Online Resources

Online Resources

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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
12/30/18 Jesus Rises David Maxson Sermon N/A Sun 9am 12.30-18-JesusRises.pptx 12.30.18-JesusRises.mp3
12/23/18 House Rules David Maxson Sermon N/A Sun 1030am 12.23.18-HouseRules.pptx 12.23.18-HouseRules.mp3
12/23/18 The Crucifixion David Maxson Sermon N/A Sun 9am 12.23.18-Crucifxion.mp3 12.23.18-Crucifixion.pptx
12/16/18 Pilate and Barabbas David Maxson Sermon N/A Sun 9am 12.16.18-PilateBarabbas.pptx 12.16.18-PilateBarabbas.mp3
12/16/18 Prince of Peace, Control My Will Alexander Newman Sermon N/A Sun 1030am 12.16.18-PrincePeace.mp3
12/09/18 The Trial of Jesus and Peter David Maxson Sermon N/A Sun 9am 12.9.18-TrialJesusPeter.pptx 12.9.18-TrialJesusPeter.mp3
12/09/18 Assemblies David Maxson Sermon N/A Sun 1030am 12.9.18-Assemblies.mp3 12.9.18-Assemblies.pptx
12/02/18 Salvation David Maxson Sermon N/A Sun 1030am 12.2.18-Salvation-handout.pdf 12.2.18-Salvation.pptx 12.2.18-Salvation.mp3
12/02/18 Jesus' Prayer in Gethsemane David Maxson Sermon N/A Sun 9am 12.2.18-Gethsemane.pptx 12.2.18-Gethsemane.mp3
11/25/18 Is It Me Lord? David Maxson Sermon N/A Sun 9am 11.25.18-IsItMeLord.pptx 11.25.18-IsItMeLord.mp3
11/25/18 Josiah Devin Allen Sermon Kings of Judah Sun 1030am 11.25.18-Josiah.mp3
11/18/18 Jerusalem's Destruction David Maxson Sermon N/A Sun 9am 11.18.18-JerusalemDestruction.pptx 11.18.18-JerusalemDestruction.mp3
11/18/18 King Manasseh David Maxson Sermon Kings of Judah Sun 1030am 11.18.18-KingManasseh.pptx 11.18.18-KingManasseh.mp3
11/11/18 Temple Showdown David Maxson Sermon N/A Sun 9am 11.11.18-TempleShowdown.mp3 11.11.18-TempleShowdon.pptx
11/11/18 Rise Above Your Surroundings Devin Allen Sermon N/A Sun 1030am 11.11.18-RiseAbove.mp3
10/28/18 The Servant Savior David Maxson Sermon N/A Sun 9am 10.28.18-ServantSavior.pptx 10.28.18_MARK_Be_careful_what_you_ask_for.mp3
10/28/18 Ahaz Devin Allen Sermon Kings of Judah Sun 1030am 10.28.18_Devin_Choices.mp3
10/21/18 Rich Young Ruler David Maxson Sermon N/A Sun 9am 10.21.18-RichYoungRuler.mp3 10.21.18-RichYoungRuler.pptx
10/21/18 Uzziah David Maxson Sermon Kings of Judah Sun 1030am 10.21.18-Uzziah.mp3 10.21.18-Uzziah.pptx
10/17/18 What Happens When I Die? (The Context of the Rich Man & Lazarus) Justin Roberson Gospel Meeting Critical Quesions Gospel Meeting 10.17.18-WhatHappensWhenIDie.pptx 10.17.18-WhatHappensWhenIDie-poor_sound.mp3
10/16/18 What Is a Member of a Local Church? (Finding My Part in the Body) Justin Roberson Gospel Meeting Critical Quesions Gospel Meeting 10.16.18-LocalMember.mp3 10.16.18-LocalMember.pptx
10/15/18 Is Being Good, Good Enough? (Lessons from Cornelius) Justin Roberson Gospel Meeting Critical Quesions Gospel Meeting 10.15.18-IsGoodEnough.mp3
10/14/18 Why Did Jesus Wear a Crown? (The Crowns of a Christian) Justin Roberson Gospel Meeting Critical Quesions Sun Bible Study 10.14.2018-WhyCrownThorns.mp3
10/14/18 What is Significant About the Resurrection (Because He Lives) Justin Roberson Gospel Meeting Critical Quesions Sun 1030am 10.14.18-RessurectionSignifcance.mp3
10/14/18 Why Did God Create Me? (A Letter to My Dear Friend) Justin Roberson Gospel Meeting Critical Quesions Sun 9am 10.14.18-WhyDidGodCreateMe.mp3

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