Online Resources

Online Resources

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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
03/18/18 Meekness: Overcoming Evil with Good David Maxson Sermon N/A Sun 1030am 3.18.18-Service.pptx 03.18.18_David_Maxson_Meekness.mp3
03/18/18 Balaam Josh Carter Sermon N/A Sun 9am 03.18.18_Joshua_Carter_9_a.m.--Balaam.mp3
03/11/18 Grief to Comfort Josh Carter Sermon N/A Sun 9am 03.11.18_Carter_From_Grief_to_Comfort.mp3
03/11/18 Participation Service Josh Carter Sermon N/A Sun 1030am 03.11.18_Participation_Service.mp3
03/04/18 Following Jesus: Where is my Reverence? Adam Andrews Gospel Meeting Following Jesus Gospel Meeting 7._Following_Jesus_Where_is_My_reverence_Religion_or_Ritual.pptx 03.04.18_Adam_Andrews_My_Reverence_Religion_or_Ritual.mp3
03/04/18 Following Jesus Home Adam Andrews Gospel Meeting Following Jesus Gospel Meeting 8._Following_Jesus_Home._Sunday_Worship.pptx 03.04.18_Adam_Andrews_Following_Jesus.mp3
03/03/18 Following Jesus: Telling Others Adam Andrews Gospel Meeting Following Jesus Gospel Meeting 2._Following_Jesus_Telling_Others.pptx 03.03.18_Telling_Others.mp3
03/03/18 Following Jesus: Serving Others Adam Andrews Gospel Meeting Following Jesus Gospel Meeting 3._Following_Jesus_Serving_Others.pptx 03.03.18_Serviing_Others.mp3
03/03/18 Following Jesus: Forgiving Others Adam Andrews Gospel Meeting Following Jesus Gospel Meeting 4._Forgiving_Others.pptx 03.03.18_Adam_Andrews_Forgiveness.mp3
02/25/18 Verify for Yourself Josh Carter Sermon N/A Sun 9am 2.25.18_Josh_Verify_for_Yourself.mp3
02/25/18 Don't Numb Your Heart Josh Carter Sermon N/A Sun 1030am 2.25.18_1030_Dont_numb_your_heart.mp3
02/18/18 Copies of Heavenly Things Josh Carter Sermon N/A Sun 9am 02.18.18-HeaenlyThings.mp3
02/18/18 Demons David Maxson Sermon N/A Sun 1030am 02.18.18-Demons.mp3 2.18.18_-_Demons.pptx
02/04/18 Angels David Maxson Sermon N/A Sun 1030am 2.4.18_David_Angels.mp3 2.4.18-Angels.pptx
01/28/18 Qualifications of Deacons Josh Carter Sermon N/A Sun 1030am 01.28.18_Carter_Qualifications_of_Deacon.mp3
01/21/18 Persecution on the Job Danny Oliver Gospel Meeting The Christian in the Workplace Gospel Meeting 1.21.2018_Persecution_In_the_Workplace.mp3
01/21/18 Properly Ordering Work and Family Life Randy Little Gospel Meeting The Christian in the Workplace Gospel Meeting 1.21.2018_Properly_Ordering_Work__Family_Life.mp3
01/21/18 Evangelism in the Workplace Steve Cook Gospel Meeting The Christian in the Workplace Gospel Meeting 1.21.2018_Evangelism__The_Workplace.mp3 1.21.18-SteveCook.pptx
01/20/18 Sexual Temptation and the Workplace Danny Oliver Gospel Meeting The Christian in the Workplace Gospel Meeting 1.20.2018_Danny_Oliver.mp3 1.19.18-DannyOliver.pptx
01/20/18 Raising Employable Children Steve Cook Gospel Meeting The Christian in the Workplace Gospel Meeting 1.20.18-SteveCook.pptx 1.20.18-SteveCook.mp3
01/20/18 Panel Discussion: The Christian in the Workplace Danny Oliver Gospel Meeting The Christian in the Workplace Gospel Meeting 1.20.18-Panel.mp3
01/19/18 The Christian Employee Ronnie McCarty Gospel Meeting The Christian in the Workplace Gospel Meeting 01.19.18-RonnieMcCarty.mp3
01/19/18 The Christian Manager Randy Little Gospel Meeting The Christian in the Workplace Gospel Meeting 1.19.18-RandyLittle.mp3
01/14/18 Abigail David Maxson Sermon N/A Sun 9am 1.14.18-Abigail.mp3 1.14.18-Abigail.pptx
01/14/18 Barnabas David Maxson Sermon N/A Sun 1030am 1.14.18-Barnabas.mp3 1.14.18-Barnabas.pptx

Displaying 651 - 675 of 1225

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